Step Bank of Health (SBH)

In order to be healthy, fit and productive, it is recommended to accumulate atleast 10000 Steps (equivalent) a day by doing regular walking/running/any other physical activities.
Keeping motivation or sustaining healthy life style with any routine workouts is a challenge. The concept “Step Bank of Health” is to promote health and fitness activities for better health of self, better world living and inspiring others for their better health etc.


Overall Global Performance

Description Performance Unit
Walking Distance Equivalent210474KM
Total Accumulated Steps263092188Steps
Calories Burnt (Eqv)9471330KCals
Fuel Saved with walking19134Lt Diesel
Kg CO2 Equivalent Saved51375Kg CO2
Cost Saved per Individual956700Rs. - DieselRs. 50/lit - Diesel
Earned Health Currency2630922H$
Extra Healthy Life gained2631Days
Earth Diameter Travelled1652%
Earth Equator Travelled525%
Assumptions: 1 KM = 1250 Steps; 1 KM = 45 KCals; 1 Litre Diesel = 11 KM; 1 litter = 2.7 Kg CO2; 100 Steps = 1 H$; 1 Min workout = 1.5 Min extra life gain; Earth Diameter = 12742 KM; Earth Equator = 40075 KM

Top Performers

7 Days
Name Steps
Dwijapada Pratihar 328254
Jyotishka Pratihar 128203
Lulu Walking Walking 119093
Kyamelia Pratihar 100982
Korak Bhattacharya 97967
TJMadhavarao Tamker 71816
Subhabrata Jha 70079
Swami Anuttamananda 48396
Anirban Roy 46009
Taniya Roy 41420
Runa Laila 33164
jawed aftab (CB) 21277
30 Days
Name Steps
Dwijapada Pratihar 1392550
Kyamelia Pratihar 1016847
Jyotishka Pratihar 477634
TJMadhavarao Tamker 253818
Swami Anuttamananda 240141
Taniya Roy 234206
Anirban Roy 186944
Korak Bhattacharya 171435
Subhabrata Jha 164092
Lulu Walking Walking 119093
Runa Laila 111979
jawed aftab (CB) 41904
Abhinav saha 4830
All Times
Name Steps
Dwijapada Pratihar 92830087
TJMadhavarao Tamker 37341301
Kyamelia Pratihar 23797028
D Pratihar Hotmail 23681427
Virtual World Travel 21689878
jawed aftab (CB) 15153491
kaushik bhatia 6237131
Jaideep Menon 4470690
Anu Pandey 4103536
Jyotishka Pratihar 3759291
Runa Laila 3579890
Milind Meher 3175414
Sahidul Hoque 2242690
Taniya Roy 2133895

Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see - Robin Sharma

The Greatest Wealth is Health - Virgil

A Journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step - Lao Tzu

A Healthy Mind In a Healthy Body: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano -

Download App

(SBH) Step Bank of Health Pedometer App is being used for continuous accumulating of your daily Walking Steps and Virtual Travelling. A Step To A Step Forward for getting healthy Body, Mind, Soul and knowing the unknowns through Virtual Travelling.